The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Penn State was the first essential step to personal freedom for me... though there was a lot of sacrifice at the time. Eating TV dinners 5 days a week and bacon and eggs with lots of toast weekends was de rigeur. After those long hour study days, I went to Vietnam thanks to ROTC and came back more alive than ever. Life meant more and I was moved to view all as equals and my brothers. Subsequently, I worked for the US Government as a Mechanical Engineer traveling from Baltimore to live in Tuscany Italy and eventually London which is still my home. Eventually, I got a Master's in business from Boston University here in London and moved into banking working for Prudential Securities, Societe Generale, and Berkeley Futures. Fortunately I am now retired and spend time in Florida each winter where I have a son living near West Palm Beach. I am still looking for the love of my life....besides watching PSU win football games.